Home, Condo, Renters
Homeowners Insurance Polices
Whether you own a home or condo or rent we have coverage options available to protect your assets.
Homeowners insurance provides financial protection against disasters. A standard policy insures the home itself and the things you keep in it.
Homeowners insurance is a package policy. This means that it covers both damage to your property and your liability or legal responsibility for any injuries and property damage you or members of your family cause to other people. This includes damage caused by household pets.
Damage caused by most disasters is covered but there are exceptions. The most significant are damage caused by floods, earthquakes and poor maintenance. You must buy two separate policies for flood and earthquake coverage. Maintenance-related problems are the homeowners’ responsibility.
A standard homeowners insurance policy includes four essential types of coverage. They include:
1. Coverage for the structure of your home.
This part of your policy pays to repair or rebuild your home if it is damaged or destroyed by fire, hurricane, hail, lightning or other disaster listed in your policy. It will not pay for damage caused by a flood, earthquake or routine wear and tear. When purchasing coverage for the structure of your home, it is important to buy enough to rebuild your home.
Most standard policies also cover structures that are detached from your home such as a garage, tool shed or gazebo. Generally, these structures are covered for about 10% of the amount of insurance you have on the structure of your home. If you need more coverage, talk to your insurance agent about purchasing more insurance.
2. Coverage for your personal belongings.
Your furniture, clothes, sports equipment and other personal items are covered if they are stolen or destroyed by fire, hurricane or other insured disaster. Most companies provide coverage for 50% to 70% of the amount of insurance you have on the structure of your home. So if you have $100,000 worth of insurance on the structure of your home, you would have between $50,000 to $70,000 worth of coverage for your belongings. The best way to determine if this is enough coverage is to conduct a home inventory.
This part of your policy includes off-premises coverage. This means that your belongings are covered anywhere in the world, unless you have decided against off-premises coverage. Some companies limit the amount to 10% of the amount of insurance you have for your possessions. You have up to $500 of coverage for unauthorized use of your credit cards.
Expensive items like jewelry, furs and silverware are covered, but there are usually dollar limits if they are stolen. Generally, you are covered for between $1,000 to $2,000 for all of your jewelry and furs. To insure these items to their full value, purchase a special personal property endorsement or floater and insure the item for it’s appraised value. Coverage includes ‘accidental disappearance, ‘ meaning coverage if you simply lose that item. And there is no deductible.
Trees, plants and shrubs are also covered under standard homeowners insurance. Generally you are covered for 5% of the insurance on the house ‘- up to about $500 per item. Perils covered are theft, fire, lightning, explosion, vandalism, riot and even falling aircraft. They are not covered for damage by wind or disease.
3. Liability protection.
This covers you against lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage that you or family members cause to other people. It also pays for damage caused by your pets. So, if your son, daughter or dog accidentally ruins your neighbor’s expensive rug, you are covered. However, if they destroy your rug, you are not covered.
The liability portion of your policy pays for both the cost of defending you in court and any court awards — up to the limit of your policy. You are also covered not just in your home, but anywhere in the world.
Liability limits generally start at about $100,000. However, experts recommend that you purchase at least $300,000 worth of protection. Some people feel more comfortable with even more coverage. You can purchase an umbrella or excess liability policy which provides broader coverage, including claims against you for libel and slander, as well as higher liability limits. Generally, umbrella policies cost between $200 to $350 for $1 million of additional liability protection.
Your policy also provides no-fault medical coverage. In the event a friend or neighbor is injured in your home, he or she can simply submit medical bills to your insurance company. This way, expenses are paid without their filing a liability claim against you. You can generally get $1,000 to $5,000 worth of this coverage. It does not, however, pay the medical bills for your family or your pet.
4. Additional living expenses in the event you are temporarily unable to live in your home because of a fire or other insured disaster.
This pays the additional costs of living away from home if you can’t live there due to damage from a fire, storm or other insured disaster. It covers hotel bills, restaurant meals and other living expenses incurred while your home is being rebuilt. Coverage for additional living expenses differs from company to company. Many policies provide coverage for about 20% of the insurance on your house. You can increase this coverage, however, for an additional premium. Some companies sell a policy that provides an unlimited amount of loss-of-use coverage — for a limited amount of time.
If you rent out part of your house, this coverage will also reimburse you for the rent that you would have collected from your tenant if your home had not been destroyed.
Yes. A person who owns his or her home would have a different policy from someone who rents. Policies also differ on the amount of insurance coverage provided.
The different types of homeowners policies are fairly standard throughout the country. However, individual states and companies may offer policies that are slightly different or go by other names such as ‘standard’ or ‘deluxe’. The one exception is the state of Texas, where policies vary somewhat from policies in other states. The Texas Insurance Department ( http://www.tdi.state.tx.us ) has detailed information on its various homeowners policies. You should consult with a professional insurance consultant to determine which coverages best suit your needs
If you own your home
If you own the home you live in, you have several policies to choose from. The most popular policy is the HO-3, which provides the broadest coverage. Owners of multi-family homes generally purchase an HO-3 with an endorsement to cover the risks associated with having renters live in their homes.
HO-1: Limited coverage policy
This ‘bare bones’ policy covers you against the first 10 disasters. It’s no longer available in most states.
HO-2: Basic policy
It provides protection against all 16 disasters. There is a version of HO-2 designed for mobile homes.
HO-3: The most popular policy
This ‘special’ policy protects your home from all perils except those specifically excluded.
HO-8: Older home
Designed for older homes, this policy usually reimburses you for damage on an actual cash value basis which means replacement cost less depreciation. Full replacement cost policies may not be available for some older homes.
If you rent your home
Created specifically for those who rent the home they live in, this policy protects your possessions and any parts of the apartment that you own, such as new kitchen cabinets you install, against all 16 disasters.
If you own a co-op or a condo
H0-6: condo/co-op A policy for those who own a condo or co-op, it provides coverage for your belongings and the structural parts of the building that you own. It protects you against all 16 disasters.
Unlike driving a car, you can legally own a home without homeowners insurance. But, if you have bought your home and financed the purchase with a mortgage, your lender will most likely require you to get homeowners insurance coverage. That’s because lenders need to protect their investment in your home in case your house burns down or is badly damaged by a storm, tornado or other disaster. If you live in an area likely to flood, the bank will also require you to purchase flood insurance. Some financial institutions may also require earthquake coverage if you live in a region vulnerable to earthquakes. If you buy a co-op or condominium, your board will probably require you to buy homeowners insurance.
After your mortgage is paid off, no one will force you to buy homeowners insurance. But it doesn’t make sense to cancel your policy and risk losing what you’ve invested in your home.
Would you be able to remember all the possessions you’ve accumulated over the years if they were destroyed by a fire? Having an up-to-date home inventory will help you get your insurance claim settled faster, verify losses for your income tax return and help you purchase the correct amount of insurance.
Start by making a list of your possessions, describing each item and noting where you bought it and its make and model. Clip to your list any sales receipts, purchase contracts, and appraisals you have. For clothing, count the items you own by category — pants, coats, shoes, for example ‘- making notes about those that are especially valuable. For major appliance and electronic equipment, record their serial numbers usually found on the back or bottom.
Don’t be put off!
If you are just setting up a household, starting an inventory list can be relatively simple. If you’ve been living in the same house for many years, however, the task of creating a list can be daunting. Still, it’s better to have an incomplete inventory than nothing at all. Start with recent purchases and then try to remember what you can about older possessions.
Higher Value Items!
Valuable items like jewelry, art work and collectibles may have increased in value since you received them. Check with your agent to make sure that you have adequate insurance for these items. They may need to be insured separately.
Take Pictures!
Besides the list, you can take pictures of rooms and important individual items. On the back of the photos, note what is shown and where you bought it or the make. Don’t forget things that are in closets or drawers.
Use a Video Recorder!
Walk through your house or apartment videotaping and describing the contents. Or do the same thing using a tape recorder.
Using your computer!
Use your PC to make your inventory list. Personal finance software packages often include a homeowners room-by-room inventory program.
Keep Your list, video and photos safe!
Regardless of how you do it (written list, floppy disk, photos, videotape or audio tape), keep your inventory along with receipts in your safe deposit box or at a friend’s or relative’s home. That way you’ll be sure to have something to give your insurance representative if your home is damaged. When you make a significant purchase, add the information to your inventory while the details are fresh in your mind.
There is a big difference between when an insurance company cancels a policy and when it chooses not to renew it. Insurance companies cannot cancel a policy that has been in force for more than 60 days except:
If you fail to pay the premium.
You have committed fraud or made serious misrepresentations on your application.
Non-renewal is a different matter. Either you or your insurance company can decide not to renew the policy when it expires. Depending on the state you live in, your insurance company must give you a certain number of days notice and explain the reason for non-renewal before it drops your policy. If you think the reason is unfair or want a further explanation, call the insurance company’s consumer affairs division. If you don’t get an explanation, call your state insurance department.

Is Your House Protected Against Floods?
Regardless of where you live, there’s at least some risk of flooding. And one of your main priorities as a homeowner is to keep your home and other property safe from numerous disasters, including those stemming from nature. Unfortunately, your homeowners insurance will not cover the cost of flood damage.
That’s why having the right flood insurance is crucial for maintaining your sense of security within your own home. But flood insurance is also important for businesses because business insurance does not cover flood damage, either. Independent insurance agents are here to eliminate the hassle of searching on your own by walking you through a handpicked selection of top policies for you. But first, here’s a deep dive into this crucial coverage.
Summed up, flood insurance will cover your property/structure and most of your belongings if they’re inundated by natural water (i.e., rain, waves, etc.). Many policies dictate that the water must cover at least two acres of normally dry land in order to qualify for reimbursement. Flood insurance can be purchased by homeowners or business owners, or even renters.
Possibly. Your mortgage lender may require you to have a policy if your property is located in an area deemed to be at high risk of flooding. However, even properties that are not in designated high-risk areas may require coverage.
Check in with your mortgage lender to be sure. Either way, it’s a safe bet to have it. Waking up to a basement full of water is already stressful enough, but having coverage could at least cushion the financial blow.
To protect your property, finances, and peace of mind. Floods cause millions of dollars in damage each year, and are the most common natural disaster in the US. Water damage is also extremely costly.
As little as one inch of water in a home can cost as much as $21,000. Having coverage could mean the difference between financial devastation and being able to rest easy, should a storm hit your area.
Flood insurance is available from many different insurance companies, and the best way to find the right carrier for you is through working with an independent insurance agent. Independent insurance agents have helped all types of insurance customers, including those in search of flood insurance. They know which insurance companies to recommend to meet your needs, and can provide informed suggestions based on company reliability, rates, and more.

Mobile Home Insurance
Big Coverage for a Small Price!
Mobile home insurance, or manufactured home insurance, is a special type of homeowners policy designed to cover a different set of risks compared to traditional site-built homes. Manufactured homes are built in a factory with lighter materials, then transported to a site where they are typically tied down via ground anchors for stability.
Because these homes are designed and built differently than traditional site-built homes, they need a special insurance policy that assumes the added risks that come with a strapped-down home vs. one built on a concrete foundation.
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Modular homes are actually more like site-built homes in that they are constructed on-site onto a foundation like a traditional home. Modular homes are only similar to mobile homes in that they are built in a factory and then sections are transported to the site for construction.
Modular homes may be treated like site-built homes for insurance purposes. Because they are built on a foundation like site-built homes, they generally have fewer risks of damage or loss than mobile and manufactured homes.
For more information about the insurance requirements in your state, talk with your independent agent.
The coverage you need for mobile and modular home is similar to a traditional home. The structure of the policy and amount of coverage needed will depend on the size and value of the home, whether you own the land the home is built on and the risks in the area, among other factors.
The basic types of coverage may include:
Mobile Home Liability Coverage: Covers you if a visitor on your property gets injured due to your negligence, or if you damage someone else’s property and you are taken to court
Property damage: Covers any significant loss to your property that requires repair
Personal property: Covers your belongings in case of burglary or theft, as well as damage or loss due to weather events or disasters like fires, tornadoes or falling objects
How Much Is Mobile and Modular Home Insurance?
These two types of insurance have different cost structures because of the differences in the types of homes they insure, and rates can vary widely from state to state. Because mobile and manufactured homes tend to have lower overall value than a modular or traditional home, their insurance costs tend to be lower.
However, because mobile and manufactured homes are considered riskier to insure than modular homes, in some cases you will find that the premiums on a manufactured home policy with similar levels of coverage to a modular home will actually cost more.
A local independent agent can compare rates from several different insurance companies to make sure you get the right amount of coverage for your needs at the best possible rate.
Is Mobile and Modular Home Insurance Required?
Requirements for insurance vary by state. As a rule of thumb, if you finance your home and make payments to a bank or mortgage company, you likely will be required to insure the home to protect the bank’s investment as well as your own.
Whether your home is manufactured, modular or site-built, it likely is the biggest asset and biggest investment you’ve made. In that sense, it is wise to invest in insurance so that you will be able to repair or rebuild in the event of a loss.
If you own your home outright, you could choose to self-insure your home. Whether this option makes sense for you depends on the value of your home and how many other assets you have.
Start by determining whether you could replace your home out of pocket if you suffer a total loss. A local independent agent can sit down and help you assess your situation and provide you with all the necessary information you need to protect your home.
There are many factors that go into determining the right amount of coverage for your manufactured or modular home. Consider the value of your home and all of your possessions, including furniture, art, electronics, appliances, jewelry, and so on.
Typical minimum insurance amounts are $30,000 worth of coverage for single-section manufactured homes, and $45,000 for double section homes. However, you want to consider whether you would be able to rebuild in the event of a total loss.
The other factor to consider is liability. Consider how much coverage you need to protect your finances in the event of a large claim, which can result from dog bites, four-wheeler accidents, slips and falls, and other injuries that may occur on your property.
If you are sued, your basic liability coverage may not be enough to pay for legal costs, any awards, lost wages or medical bills for the injured party.
Talk with an insurance agent about how much coverage is right for you, and whether a personal umbrella liability policy may make sense for your needs.
Many insurance policies cover disasters like wildfires, but in high-risk areas such as drought areas or densely forested regions, some policies exclude this coverage. Always check to see that your policy does not specifically exclude wildfire risk.
If you are covered, then the policy can kick in if you have to evacuate. The coverage may pay for reasonable lodging, meal and travel costs during the evacuation period. It may also provide coverage if your home suffers damage from a wildfire.
The U.S. tax code can be very confusing, and it’s hard to know what tax benefits are related to owning a home. Here are the most common tax-deductible items for homeowners:
Interest you pay every year in your mortgage payments
“Points” (pre-paid interest) on a mortgage you took out if it happened during the tax year
Property taxes you paid are frequently tax deductible
Insurance premiums are not usually tax-deductible unless you run a business out of your home, or the mobile home is used purely for commercial purposes.
Manufactured and modular home insurance is offered through many companies, just like traditional homeowners insurance. You can get quotes and buy policies online with ease, and you can also get additional guidance from an independent agent.
The most efficient way to get insurance is through a local independent agent. These agents can quickly compare quotes and coverage options from several different companies for you and help you make an informed decision.

Go Beyond Basic Coverage with Umbrella Insurance
Most Americans view auto insurance as necessary to protect against the costs of a car accident. Likewise, it’s common knowledge that homeowners insurance helps families rebuild their lives and homes. An “umbrella” policy is not as well known, but anyone who owns a home or any assets should consider buying it.
Umbrella liability insurance covers you in many situations if you are held responsible for bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury. The product got its name because it adds a higher level of protection above auto, homeowners and boat policies, which are “primary” policies. Umbrella coverage kicks in after primary insurance is exhausted. What’s more, an umbrella policy offers primary coverage for losses not covered by other insurance.
Typically, insurance agents sell an umbrella policy in conjunction with auto and homeowners coverage. You can usually add $1 million-plus of liability insurance for a few hundred dollars per year, and a multiple-policy discounts often can be had. One tactic insurance pros suggest: raise deductibles on auto and homeowners policies, and use the premium savings to pay for umbrella coverage.
Liability insurance under auto and homeowners policies pays expenses (for example, an injured person’s medical care, rehabilitation and lost wages) because the policyholder was at fault through negligent actions. Liability coverage also pays for costs of defending against a claim or lawsuit.
It’s common for a driver, vehicle owner, homeowner, or boat operator/owner to be held responsible for someone else’s injuries, property damage, lost wage and/or expenses. An at-fault driver also can be held liable for personal injury (which is distinct from bodily injury), including psychological injury such as “pain and suffering.”
The umbrella is a shield to protect an individual from having to tap into savings or sell assets to pay a judgment or claim. The umbrella policy keeps the hands of the claimant from the personal, family and business assets of the negligent person.
Intoxicated drivers leaving a party at your home, dog bites, and the neighbor kid falling off the trampoline– these incidents can cause financial losses. Even lending a friend a ski house or lake house for the weekend can create a claim. A tree in your yard that blows over in a storm and crushes the neighbor’s car is another example. A home-based business that requires visitors to come to your house may create a loss that’s excluded from homeowners coverage.
But all these incidents may cause bodily injury, personal injury and loss of wages. These losses might exceed (or be excluded from) primary insurance limits and coverages.
Most homeowners should consider an umbrella, but especially those active in community affairs. Serving in civic, charitable, and religious organizations can lead to conflicts, claims, and even lawsuits. Even if a lawsuit is thrown out of court, you still must defend yourself. Umbrella liability coverage picks up these costs, whether or not a person is actually found to be liable. Defense costs generally are covered in addition to the liability limits of the umbrella policy.
Conversely, a person might face a damaging situation such as a false arrest or imprisonment, defamation, invasion of privacy, wrongful entry, eviction or malicious prosecution. Most will want to defend themselves, but will face legal and other costs to do so. Homeowners coverage won’t cover it; an umbrella policy can.

Single Family Home Owners
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Modular homes are actually more like site-built homes in that they are constructed on-site onto a foundation like a traditional home. Modular homes are only similar to mobile homes in that they are built in a factory and then sections are transported to the site for construction.
Modular homes may be treated like site-built homes for insurance purposes. Because they are built on a foundation like site-built homes, they generally have fewer risks of damage or loss than mobile and manufactured homes.
For more information about the insurance requirements in your state, talk with your independent agent.
The coverage you need for mobile and modular home is similar to a traditional home. The structure of the policy and amount of coverage needed will depend on the size and value of the home, whether you own the land the home is built on and the risks in the area, among other factors.
The basic types of coverage may include:
Mobile Home Liability Coverage: Covers you if a visitor on your property gets injured due to your negligence, or if you damage someone else’s property and you are taken to court
Property damage: Covers any significant loss to your property that requires repair
Personal property: Covers your belongings in case of burglary or theft, as well as damage or loss due to weather events or disasters like fires, tornadoes or falling objects
How Much Is Mobile and Modular Home Insurance?
These two types of insurance have different cost structures because of the differences in the types of homes they insure, and rates can vary widely from state to state. Because mobile and manufactured homes tend to have lower overall value than a modular or traditional home, their insurance costs tend to be lower.
However, because mobile and manufactured homes are considered riskier to insure than modular homes, in some cases you will find that the premiums on a manufactured home policy with similar levels of coverage to a modular home will actually cost more.
A local independent agent can compare rates from several different insurance companies to make sure you get the right amount of coverage for your needs at the best possible rate.
Is Mobile and Modular Home Insurance Required?
Requirements for insurance vary by state. As a rule of thumb, if you finance your home and make payments to a bank or mortgage company, you likely will be required to insure the home to protect the bank’s investment as well as your own.
Whether your home is manufactured, modular or site-built, it likely is the biggest asset and biggest investment you’ve made. In that sense, it is wise to invest in insurance so that you will be able to repair or rebuild in the event of a loss.
If you own your home outright, you could choose to self-insure your home. Whether this option makes sense for you depends on the value of your home and how many other assets you have.
Start by determining whether you could replace your home out of pocket if you suffer a total loss. A local independent agent can sit down and help you assess your situation and provide you with all the necessary information you need to protect your home.
There are many factors that go into determining the right amount of coverage for your manufactured or modular home. Consider the value of your home and all of your possessions, including furniture, art, electronics, appliances, jewelry, and so on.
Typical minimum insurance amounts are $30,000 worth of coverage for single-section manufactured homes, and $45,000 for double section homes. However, you want to consider whether you would be able to rebuild in the event of a total loss.
The other factor to consider is liability. Consider how much coverage you need to protect your finances in the event of a large claim, which can result from dog bites, four-wheeler accidents, slips and falls, and other injuries that may occur on your property.
If you are sued, your basic liability coverage may not be enough to pay for legal costs, any awards, lost wages or medical bills for the injured party.
Talk with an insurance agent about how much coverage is right for you, and whether a personal umbrella liability policy may make sense for your needs.
Many insurance policies cover disasters like wildfires, but in high-risk areas such as drought areas or densely forested regions, some policies exclude this coverage. Always check to see that your policy does not specifically exclude wildfire risk.
If you are covered, then the policy can kick in if you have to evacuate. The coverage may pay for reasonable lodging, meal and travel costs during the evacuation period. It may also provide coverage if your home suffers damage from a wildfire.
The U.S. tax code can be very confusing, and it’s hard to know what tax benefits are related to owning a home. Here are the most common tax-deductible items for homeowners:
Interest you pay every year in your mortgage payments
“Points” (pre-paid interest) on a mortgage you took out if it happened during the tax year
Property taxes you paid are frequently tax deductible
Insurance premiums are not usually tax-deductible unless you run a business out of your home, or the mobile home is used purely for commercial purposes.
Manufactured and modular home insurance is offered through many companies, just like traditional homeowners insurance. You can get quotes and buy policies online with ease, and you can also get additional guidance from an independent agent.
The most efficient way to get insurance is through a local independent agent. These agents can quickly compare quotes and coverage options from several different companies for you and help you make an informed decision.